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Net Traffic #2: ...3x The Power

Congratulations! You have invested considerable time, money and effort as well as taken the necessary steps to create a dynamic and appealing website with good content and great products. You have devoted considerable time in your own education and that of your staff to ensure your online success. You are ready willing and able to handle the flood of online where are they? Everywhere! When you know where to look and can put your products in front of them at the exact moment of their need. Digest the following fact carefully:

Every day 10,000,000 potential customers spend an average of 20 minutes searching the web for information on products and services which they plan to purchase either now or in the near future.

You probally know that the extent of online transactions are already in the billions; what you don't know is how to grab a bigger piece of that pie.

We know what it takes to get the traffic you want. Effort. Someone has to do what it takes to generate the Highly Targeted Profitable Traffic your business needs to thrive online, and this process is getting more challenging all the time. This package is a more robust version of our extremely popular and highly effective Net Traffic Program which we strongly urge you to read the description carefully. Iif you are serious about covering all the bases on your own URL, look over our Marketing 101 FREE education resource as well.

The Net Traffic Package #2

Significant Soultions offers this service package designed to address your specific need to generate a steady and ever growing significant volume of Prequalified Highly Targetted Traffic to your existing web-based business. Guaranteed.

Our package includes the following services:

  • We conduct a highly detailed analysis of all facets of your business to help you identify the most effective Key Words/phrases to attract your customers. This will include a Key Word relevancy report and will include as many relevant search terms as possible to give you an unprecedented knowledge of your online marketplace.
  • We purchase a minimum of three Key Word rich URLs which we configure on our state-of-the-art servers attached to multiple T3 data lines to quickly deliver your audience to you. We also cache your entire site for 24 hour periods. Even if you go down, we have content to provide the viewer. This also speeds up their download time.
  • We create and submit 300+ independent cloaked web pages targeted for small groups of related Key Words/phrases to direct Prequalified Highly Targeted Traffic to your site by Server Side Redirect. There are no internal links on any page to your site so these pages are seen by the Search Engines as completely separate from your current site (no conflicts) .
  • We monitor the positioning and traffic generated by our sites, pages and efforts. We are extremely careful to follow all rules posted by the directories. This takes time, but the ongoing results are well worth the investment. We want you for a long-term client. Please be careful of overnight traffic promises as many are spam based and will inevitably destroy your rankings online.
  • We create an online traffic report you can view at any time to see the results and make decisions based on facts, dependent on your results to date. This report is spoof-proof and eliminates the common problems of refreshing the page or of spiders adding to the count. We have taken great pains to ensure you the most accurate Results Report by which to prove our effectiveness. We encourage our clients to set up alternative entry pages so all the Targeted Traffic we send you is easily seen on your current reports. See a sample report that we provide 24/7 online
  • We guarantee, YES, GUARANTEE at least 1,500 qualified targeted viewers to your site each month. This is the minimum number of Highly Targeted Viewers we will send you. There is no maximum! Many of our clients receive far more viewers because their chosen Key Terms are popular searches. Every client is unique and, while we are generating many thousands of viewers to some sites, utilizing the most popular search terms, you have the option to actively persue Extremly Targeted Keywords which, while very profitable to you, represent far fewer viewers. Call us for your free site evaluation and to clarify your expectations of our services.

Does your business have what it takes to make it really BIG? Then call us to discuss a custom sized package based on the true potential of your Web Enterprise. We have clients who actively promote many thousands of Key Terms through our programs. And please do not overlook the awesome combination of Net Traffic and Profit Now.

We get over 1,600 unique visitors a day to this site by this exact method. This system is designed to pay for itself !

Sign up today!

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