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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Which package is right for me?
Answer: It depends on the goals you have set for your site.

  • Medium traffic- (Net Traffic) Guaranteed targeted traffic over a wide array of key terms ( Minimum 111) that you choose. It is like having 100 optimized homepages all working to rank high on the search engines and catch targeted traffic. This is a continuos marketing campaign which we undertake to drive an ever increasing number of persons looking for your products and services to your site. This package has a $150 monthly fee and provides your business a guaranteed number of unique targeted viewers. What is the cost of a program that pays for itself? Profit! Start Now.
  • High traffic- (Net Traffic #2) Guaranteed targeted traffic over a wide array of key terms ( Minimum 333) that you choose. It is like having 300 optimized homepages all working to rank high on the search engines and catch targeted traffic. This is a continuos marketing campaign which will drive an ever increasing number of persons looking for your products and services to your site. This package has a $400 monthly fee and provides your business a guaranteed number of unique targeted viewers. The power of this system is truly amazing. If your product base and or consumer base is broad enough, we can increase the number of pages created and submitted to drive a significant amount of profitable traffic to you. Please call for details on our Multi Net traffic Packages and an evaluation of your online web campaign.

1. What is the difference between the two Net Traffic Programs?
Answer: There is quite a bit of difference. A
Guaranteed Three times the Targeted Traffic with an 11% discount. Undoubtedly the best deals in the industry.

2. Is this a preprogrammed, cookie cutter service?
Answer: No! The optimization is NEVER a "canned" proposition, but rather our personal thoughts, insights, experience and knowledge brought to bear on your key terms.

3. Do you continue to check and re-list me with the search engines?
Answer: Yes, Net Traffic is the best, most efficient and cost-effective way to maintain listings and guaranteed traffic for your site. Net traffic makes sure all its listings are maintained for the life of your account.

4. I can't find my listings anywhere on the search engines?
Answer: The most common problem is that you are searching for your new Domain Name instead of your keywords. Remember to search for your most important keywords.  The second most common problem is that you haven't waited long enough for the search engines to post your listing. YOU DO NOT SHOW UP IMMEDIATELY IN THE MAJOR SEARCH ENGINES. Many of the major search engines will take three weeks, with some taking up to 6 weeks, sometimes longer to index your site.

5. Does your work change the way my page looks?
Answer: No. It does NOT affect the way your page looks at all. We only send highly targeted viewers to it, nothing else.

6. How do I know I have been registered?
Answer: You will receive e-mails from us at each stage of the process. The easiest way is to check your site's stats and check for listings at the Search Engines who have sent you viewers.

7. What is a Meta Tag?
Answer: Information hidden on the page, just for the search engines. Many search engines use the information in your Meta Tags to help them index your site. Often times, this is the exact information seen when someone does a search for your web site, so they are very important.

8. What can you do for my results?
Answer: We can help. In many highly competitive categories you may need Net Traffic #2 to get the amount of traffic you need to be profitable. It often takes more than a single optimized site to do the job.

9. Does your optimization seek to specifically target clients for which the site is intended to serve?
Answer: Yes, however we rely on you to use your knowledge of your business and your clients in choosing the right words. It is the key words you choose that 'target' a particular person. When they search on the word or words you've chosen.

10. Can this in any way hurt my current online efforts?
Answer: We have never had a client removed from or loose a listing in a Search Engine. We are highly cautious and are constantly updating our services based on this valid concern. We follow the generally accepted principles and practices of the Major Engines. Many of our clients' sites actually rise in their rankings by virtue of the additional relevancy our efforts provide.


Initial contact (any contact made by you)

You send in a completed contact form {all blanks and necessary information filled in} found at CONTACT US . If any necessary information is not supplied your request will be processed after all complete requests have been processed. Please be accurate, call if any questions exist 877 722-8624. This is also the best time to call with your payment information {nothing will happen until we have your initial payment}. Our Net Traffic programs give you 30 days of service. These programs require substantial time and effort to create a custom program which will pay for itself quickly. We do not want you to pay for promises, however we can not stay in business giving away our Key word reports and expertise without adequate compensation. There are no exceptions to this rule whatsoever.

Confirmation (up to one full business day later)

E-mail or Telephone call to let you know we have your completed request. At this point we will attempt to answer any remaining questions you may have. We will make sure we have your billing information at this point. The loss of your request is very unlikely, if however you are not contacted within 48 hours please call 877 722-8624 or E-mail us again.

Key word report generation (up to 3 business days later)

Depending on the time available to our highly trained staff, you should expect to see a Full key term report within 3 business days after we have a completed contact form and initial payment. This report will be E-mailed to your address. If you have not received it within 3 days please call us at 877 722-8624.

First payment

Initial payment information is required prior to the release of your custom keyword report. (This initial payment will cover the first 30 days of service for Net Traffic Programs). The 30 day clock begins when your project goes live {your online report will have this information}. Net Traffic programs take up to a full 60 days to demonstrate a consistent pattern of targeted traffic.

You went live E-mail

This is your confirmation that all is well and the program will now bear fruit, typically sent out 4-7 days after we receive your chosen keyterms (picked in part or wholly from our report). There are many details which take place within these first few days, including;

1. Any necessary conversations and explanations of our service, we will always take the time to answer your questions. Please make sure you have read and reread any applicable sections of our site prior to this conversation, almost all questions are answered within its pages.

2. Acquisition of a new key work rich URL. (web address packed with relevant terms to aid in ranking efforts.)

3. Creation of optimized pages and custom content. This includes a manual review of pages to check for quality.

4. Addition of all necessary entries into our web server and cloaking software. Remember we are hosting your new URL(s) for free.

5. Creation of online report available 24/7 updated dynamically. (Always check here first for information prior to calling for updates.)

6. Complete review of new site content, functionality of cloaking software, DNS propagation and counters. We make sure it is perfect prior to notifying you.

7. Processing of initial payment. Several hours of highly skilled labor must go into your project before you go live and we are fully invested in your long term success, having far exceeded in real value your initial payment. These are long term growth packages which are designed to pay for themselves quickly and ensure your long term success.


This is an integral part of the process..10 business days is typical for our Net Traffic Programs before the first targeted visitors arrive. Typically you will see several dozen up to a few hundred unique viewers within the first two weeks. This number will grow as each new page is submitted and listed by the engines. We are only able to submit one page per 24 hour period so as not to break any rules and jeopardize your entire program. Do not ask us to hurry. This is a proven system that is working for many sites across many categories.

There is no way to rush this process, some sites will be very sought after or newsworthy and get a much greater click through rate than is typical. Some sites will seem to take a long time to establish listings. This is a scientific process which statistically produces exceptional results based on factual findings and ongoing testing.

Net Traffic programs have a built in Minimum Traffic Guarantee. You will not be charged another penny until you are fully satisfied. The search engines are getting slower and it is becoming harder to get the results you need to be profitable. We understand this and have made our packages as affordable as possible.

30 Days after going live

This is the first time that we will seek to acquire additional funds from you for the Net Traffic Packages, and only if satisfactory traffic has arrived to your site via our efforts. We welcome your questions and suggestions during this period. If for any reason you are not completely satisfied you may cancel your program. We have made the process as simple as possible and all you have to do is get started by filling in our contact form.

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