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Profit NOW :....Pay for Placement Traffic Acquisition

Can't wait for the propagation of our highly successful .... . . ... Net Traffic Program? Need customers NOW?

Profit NOW is our answer to your needs and prayers GUARANTEED.

PFP ( Pay For Placement ) is the process of buying top rankings at certain Search Engines. Any Key Terms/phrases that relate to your site's content may be bid upon. Only the staff of the Search Engine has the editorial power to approve your bid for a certain Key Term or not. This doubly assures you quality Key Term choices as these Search Engines are very careful about the allowable content. The cost of acquiring top rankings is highly variable and dependent on your competition's valuation of this traffic as well. Many sought after Terms have tripled in price over the past 6 months and this trend is far from over. This fact has made our Net Traffic programs very successful as they represent the only way to target / acquire some specific high traffic / high demand terms / listings inexpensively.


Finding all the possible relevant terms is labor intensive. Everybody misses Key Words and most of your competitors do not invest the time to find all the relevant lower volume searches (thousands) which in many cases are far more profitable as they represent highly targeted viewers using very exact Search Terms. We help you take advantage of this opportunity NOW.


1. We thoroughly review your site's content and gather many possible "idea words" ( Key Terms/phrases/definitions) from its pages. We may make suggestions at this point to add content such as a glossary or searchable databases to enhance your site's content/relevancy. These enhancements will open up many more approvable terms and the traffic they represent.

2. Much the same as our Net Traffic Programs, we search the web for relevant Key Words/terms which target your real customers and or complement your site's offerings. This Key Term Study / Report is the heart of all our packages and this large list of relevant terms is paramount to your online success. We make every effort with Profit NOW to search out not only the high traffic terms but focus on the hundreds and, yes, thousands of relevant Key Words/Phrases that represent a much smaller volume of possible visitors a month. As many of you are aware, this is a highly skilled, labor intensive process... but well worth the effort.

3. We thoroughly review your site's content again to check for relevancy and sort through this extensive list of found actual searches, deleting any that are sure to be rejected by the PFP Search Engine's editorial staff.

4. We run this list through our proprietary software and against the bid costs at the various PFP Engines, then create a price graduated list of terms with which to purchase your traffic. You decide what to pay; 10 cents per viewer is our lowest asking price and will get you all possible top listings up to and including 10 cents per click-through.

EXAMPLE: If your bid is 10 cents overall, you will acquire top listings for every Search Term that was previously 9 cents or less. You will acquire 10 cent listings on all other applicable terms as well that were more expensive. You may bid any price you desire. Obviously, the higher your bid, the more searches you will achieve high rankings resulting in more customers.


The costs to research your site's applicable Key Terms is $400. This will cover six hours allotted to create a fully functional program. You may elect to increase the number of hours we invest in your program at an additional charge of $100 an hour. Our typical results are the acquisition of 200-500 usable Key Terms per hour. This is highly dependent upon three variables;

1. Bid price you are willing to pay.

2. Content of your site.

3. Tenacity of your competition.

Every client requires a custom evaluation and all subsequent searches are exclusive to each client. Obviously, we are looking to acquire as many relevant terms as possible and the viewers they will represent. Our efforts will be substantial on your behalf. We will set up all necessary accounts at the PFP Engines and will review listings at regular intervals to ensure consistent results. You will be required to deposit a minimum of your bid x 2,000 (ex 0.10 x 2,000=$200) into this program to cover your traffic for the first month. If Activity is much greater than 2,000 viewers a month, you will be asked to deposit additional funds. If at any time your deposit is fully depleted, all your listings will immediately disappear. (You must have funds on deposit against future traffic). You will have an online report 24/7 which will exactly display the number of viewers you have received as a result of this service.

Commonly asked questions regarding this service:

1. I have a large online business. How scalable is this system?

We will attempt to acquire as many relevant Key Terms as we can find and pass through the editorial review process of each PFP Search Engine. We are unable to acquire Terms that are outside the content of your site. Our staff will spend as many hours as are fruitful to be able to find the optimum word combinations. A minimum of six hours will be spent on the setup of your program.

2. May I have a copy of the Key Words you find?

The complete list is confidential. We will deliver to you upon request a sample of the Key Words found that are in the upper range of your bid. This is a professional service for professionals who value their time. This service is a great aid to a business as it ensures a profitable stream of traffic quickly at a fixed cost. We can usually get this stream of Targeted Viewers started within 10 business days.

3. How do I know the Key Words are relevant?

You can inspect the list of upper range bid words to check that we have done our job correctly. The Search Engines will also evaluate the Key Terms and decide if they are relevant as well. The Search Engines are even more picky than we are. We want your long-term business. We pick relevant terms so you will get profitable traffic and we will keep your business. You do not have to sign a contract so your complete satisfaction is what we are seeking to achieve.

4. How many Targeted Viewers can I expect?

This is a difficult question to answer; it is affected by many variables. We have seen numbers ranging from 2,000-38,000 monthly. Each project is a custom undertaking, and our efforts are exclusively toward the accumulation of only the most profitable terms for you.

5. How do I make payments?

We accept most major credit cards; checks must be sent in on time. If your account lapses, your listings will vanish and will only be reactivated by full payment. Please note the following: if your account becomes inactive, you will lose your ranking position to all other bids that were at the same price.

Please call to discuss the opportunity of acquiring Highly Targeted Traffic Today. 877 722-8624

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